
  1. J.L. Allen

    Missions and Evangelism Conference

    Brothers and sisters of the PB, MARS is hosting a conference through its Center for Missions and Evangelism. Early bird pricing is available until April 30. The conference last year was a blessing and a good time of fellowship. I hope to see y'all there! https://www.midamerica.edu/cme/conference
  2. J.L. Allen

    Missions Conference

    Folks, Mid-America Reformed Seminary's Center for Missions and Evangelism is hosting a conference in October. Please consider attending and spreading the word around to your churches, friends, and family.
  3. xzp917@gmail.com

    Planting in Indonesia

    Hey guys, My wife, son, and I are currently raising support to plant an indigenous church in Indonesia and train local pastors. If you would like more information please feel free to message me!
  4. Von

    Missionary signs and wonders.

    If the signs and wonders of the Apostolic age were to confirm their message, do we find examples of signs and wonders being performed by missionaries through the ages for the same purpose? (PS: I am a cessationist)
  5. K

    How to get licensed.

    Hi everyone! I am new to the board so I ask for your indulgence if I am posting in the wrong place, or didn't search diligently enough for a similar topic. :) I am a missionary in the Dominican Republic, I am the only Reformed believer in the ministry, and I am currently working on my bachelors...