
  1. TryingToLearn

    On the validity of sacraments

    1) What is essentially required for a valid baptism? 2) Would any private baptisms be valid? If not, what essential requirement does it lack? If so, why? 3) Would two random christians baptizing each other in the pool be valid (assume they’re genuine in intent and not joking)? If not, what...
  2. Haeralis

    Christians visiting churches which preach a false gospel?

    I was recently engaged in a discussion with a nice Christian woman who is participating in an "ecumenical Sunday" event here at the Institute where I am a Fellow. The Roman Catholics will be going to Protestant services and the Protestants will be going to Popish Masses. I explained my...
  3. Haeralis

    Development of the Popish Priesthood in the Early Church?

    It seems to me that the biblical evidence against the institution of any "priesthood" is enormous. The very idea harkens back to the Old Covenant, in which time the people of God needed mediators to communicate with Him. We know from the book of Hebrews, however, that the Old Covenant has found...