lordship salvation

  1. F

    The Biblical Gospel and Jesus' Lordship

    I want to understand what the Bible means by “gospel” and to disentangle it from murky presentations that I was repeatedly told in the past. In the past, I’d been taught that the core essential of the gospel is that “Jesus is Lord”, meaning He is the risen and exalted Ruler and will return to...
  2. S

    Is Love a Part of the Nature of Saving Faith?

    I have a question concerning the nature of saving faith: is love a part of the nature of saving faith or merely the chief fruit of saving faith? Or both? When I read the WCF, Belgic Conf., and Heidelberg Catechism I don't see love mentioned but when I read Jonathan Edwards and John Piper they...
  3. jayce475

    Lordship Salvation, dispensationalism, ministering to others and Romans 1

    Hi, Just having a few questions circling around my head that are really getting to me. I've read most of John MacArthur's "The Gospel According to Jesus" and sort of agreed with pretty much everything that he said. I am hence trying to grapple with the issue of the assurance of salvation...