Hello, brethren,
Do you have any recommended reading (preferably not too long, more like a Puritan treatise or something similar) on holiness? As in, what it is, the holiness of God, the holiness of created things like the saints, sabbath, scriptures and temple, and related topics?
In addition...
Around 2:38, the orthodox questioner asks why Messianic Jews do not keep the Sabbath. He does not get an answer. Because there is not a good answer - he found one of the inconsistancies of Israeli MJ's.
I am sure a Confessional Presbyterian would give an answer that, while not a proof for...
It is often thought Westminster Confession 21.8 prohibits all recreation on the Sabbath.
On the contrary, I have written something of an academic article which appears as "Intro & Westminster Only Necessarily Prohibits Worldly Recreations on the Sabbath" on the Recreation on the...
My good brother Ron DiGiacomo wrote an excellent piece regarding the Sabbath that I think would be helpful to many here. It has become increasingly difficult to get people to understand the import of the Lord’s Day when it comes to eating out at restaurants, especially here in the South where...
As the whole of the Lord’s Day is to be set apart unto the immediate service of the Lord and spiritual duties, apart from necessities, so Isa. 58:13-14 says that:
“If thou turn away thy foot from… doing thy pleasure on my holy day… Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord…”
Greetings PB,
1647 Heritage Reformed Church would like to invite anyone in the Lehigh Valley Area to join us. It is our first church service in the area, this Lord's day at 9:30 am. The address is 125 South Main Street, Bangor, PA, 18013. We utilize the Westminster Confession of Faith and KJV...
When Does the Sabbath Begin?
In the most comprehensive treatment to-date on the subject, I argue in this academic article from Scripture that the Sabbath has always been from dawn-to-dawn since Creation throughout the Bible, without exception.
Fentiman, Travis – The Biblical Sabbath...
creation days
fourth commandment
lord's day
reformed resources
resources available
sabbath observance
when does the sabbath begin?
This is a new release of Matthew Henry's pastoral, yet convicting treatise for those who do not keep the Lord's Day and for those who imagine they do. Unabridged and lightly edited by Jon Norman (for ease of reading). His introduction:
Kindle link
One objection to the observance of the Lord's Day as the prescribed day for worship I have seen raised is that at some point we have lost track of the days of the week. We have either inserted or omitted a day and we no longer know for sure which day is the first day of the week. Therefore, God...
My pastor just started Amos. He gave the sense of how the beginning might read to the original audience, going from excitement to sobriety because the Lord's judgment included the Jews, because of their own injustice. He pointed us to Christ for salvation, having offered remarks on the...
In light of the recent Super Bowl, how are we to keep the Lord's Day holy? What are the practical nuts and bolts of it?
Is our main focus upon enjoying and worshipping the Lord only for public worship in the morning, or is it to extend to the whole day? Is it ok to eat out at...
I've became friends with a Seventh Day Adventist who really takes his denomination's theology seriously. He tried to convince me that the Constantine changed the worship day to Sunday.
I would like for anyone to recommend books on the following two topics, so I may choose one and give as a...
84 page extract of Nicholas Bownd's Sabbathum Veteris Et Novi Testamenti: or, The True Doctrine of the Sabbath (Reformation Heritage Books & Naphtali Press, 2015).The full work is on sale at the link where the pdf is posted for download and also at Reformation Heritage Books.
No book had more...
Parallel to this thread but I don't want to hijack it.
Here is my dilemma: My church is having a "Good Friday" service in which they are serving the Lord's Supper. I will not be in attendance. We are regularly served the Lord's Supper on the first Lord's Day of every month. Without making...
Greetings from Korea,
As a well-known fact, Korea has one of the most developed and advanced public transportation systems in major cities (you can disagree with it if you want :p). In fact, it is a lot faster to take buses and subways rather than driving your own car in Seoul, capital.
Preface: I want this thread to be general advice direct to single Christians, especially at the college/grad school stage who have sabbatarian convictions. This especially applies to folks living in apartments and even more dorms.
What are some ways singles best use the Lord's Day without...