
  1. A

    Paedo-Baptism Answers Is infant baptism always impossible to be a real mean of grace in the time its administrated?

    administered* Considering the Reformed Orthodox view that Baptism as a mean of grace, does communicates its grace to the elect, and this by elect faith. How Infant Baptism could useful when its done without the needed faith? Is Its grace logic and necessary pushed to future? If so, infant...
  2. Mathias321

    Anti-Trinitarianism in early Calvinists?

    I watched this video by a Lutheran Pastor who claims that 2nd and 3rd generation Calvinism had a lot of anti-trinitarianism due to the supposed "logic with Scripture" he supposes we try to hold onto dogmatically. Watch this video starting from 8:50 to hear his argument. What do you guys think...
  3. No Name #5

    Requesting Counsel on Witnessing to Atheist Friend

    I would appreciate it if someone could offer me some advice on witnessing to an atheist friend of mine. We've known each other for a couple of years now, & have debated this subject numerous times in the past. They haven't even read the Bible yet, & my insistence thus far has been for them to...