
  1. 1563kilojules

    Puritan Portrayal in The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

    I am currently re-reading The Scarlet Letter as I prepare to teach an American literature course next year in a homeschool co-op. One thing that is striking me this time around is the way Hawthorne portrays Puritans and Puritanism (the last/first time I read TSL, I was 13, so I naturally missed...
  2. U

    Re-reading Biography?

    Hello all, I was pondering the other day, whether there be much benefit in re-reading biography. I have never read a particular biography more than once myself. Have any of you? Do you have an argument for the benefit of re-reading good biography? I have known of the general benefit of...
  3. S

    Why are so few poets/fiction authors calvinists?

    Although we have a strong tradition when it comes to sermons and hyms it seems like very few Calvinists throughout history have written fiction/poetry and the only one I can think of is John Bunyan. Also Marianne Robinson doesn’t count since she is a Barthian universalist.
  4. Andrew35

    Another Christmas [Carol] Question

    Greetings All! Wondering if some of our historians could provide some of the context here. I was going through Dickens' A Christmas Carol with my students in class, when I came across the following (the context is Scrooge in conversation with the Ghost of Christmas Present, after seeing...