
  1. Shadow Forge

    The Church’s Process against Misusers of Christian Liberty

    One of the greatest challenges that the contemporary church faces lies within its own doors. In the past few years, differences of opinion over political and cultural issues have polarized once-peaceful congregations. Like wildfires, these controversies have begun with a spark and have rapidly...
  2. Shadow Forge

    The Misuse of Christian Liberty

    What comes to mind when you hear about Christian liberty? Perhaps drinking or smoking, or how we use our free time and recreation? Or is it that there are simply some things that you believe Scripture does not speak to, making them “indifferent” and allowing a diverse range of opinions among...
  3. Jonathan95

    When does the idea of Christian Liberty apply?

    I get really hung up on this kind of stuff. How do believers keep each other accountable when Christian Liberty is a thing. Tattoos, smoking, drinking, Credobaptism vs Paedobaptism, RPW vs NPW, female deacons, head coverings, &c. Some would view these as sin, some would leave it up to the...
  4. ChananBachiyr

    What is sin?

    Westminster Larger Catechism Q. 24. What is sin? A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or transgression of, any law of God, given as a rule to the reasonable creature.z (z) Lev 5:17; Jas 4:17; 1 John 3:4; Gal 3:10,12 May we discuss what sin is? How do we, as children of God, discern what...
  5. ChananBachiyr

    Tobacco use?

    Hopefully I've moved this to the right spot... I've recently been reading much on pipes, cigars, and alcohol as pertaining to the church and history. I've found that there have been many men of God throughout that have smoked a pipe or cigar and many who loved beer. I'm all for these things...
  6. U

    Calvinism and Foundations of America? Any books?

    Hello, My brother is an unbeliever who is engrossed in libertarian, freedom/liberty, anti-government, and some conspiracy beliefs. I have been seeing quotes on the internet about John Calvin's (hence, Calvinism's) huge impact in the formation of the United States of America and...