
  1. hLuke

    How do believers deal with anti-Christian movements?

    Hello brothers and sisters in Christ, As most of you are aware in recent years Christianity has been under constant scrutinty from far-left groups such as BLM, LGBT, and other socialist reformation like movements. A group of protestors gathered in front of the State Library of Victoria here...
  2. 1

    Princeton Seminary and the PCUSA After Machen

    Hey everyone! I have just finished Stonehouse's biography of Machen. In some ways it was quite a tragic book with all that went on and how the conservative party were defeated in their efforts to preserve the Reformed faith in Princeton Seminary and the PCUSA. I was wondering about what...
  3. TheReppingRev

    The Revitalization of Puritan Thought, Belief, and Works

    As someone who has been reformed for several years now, but only very recently dived into Puritanism and the vast collection of associated works, I've noticed a few things. 1. That Christendom seems to be suffering attacks internally rather than simply an external war. Denominations are...