
  1. F

    Ending the Rabit Hole of Understanding Covenant Theology

    Hello, I come from a Presbyterian background and as I’ve grown older I have learnt more of what the WCF summarises about Scripture. I have learnt about the trinity, atonement, doctrines of grace, justification, sanctification etc.. In all these things, there was a natural point at which I could...
  2. J.L. Allen

    Increasing Productivity During Seminary

    Howdy folks, For those of you who are either in seminary or have gone through the process (doesn't have to be seminary specifically to be helpful), take me through what your schedule looked like. What sort of things did you do to organize your semester both as a whole and daily? What courses...
  3. G

    Worth Reading from the Heidelblog: "Education True and False"

    I thought that this post from R. Scott Clark was really an excellent piece on seminary education. This first installment of several is still fairly long, so I just included a snippet with the link. Oh, and since someone will undoubtedly wonder, although I think very highly of WSC, I have no...