
  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: Discourses on the Rich Man and Lazarus by Timothy Cruso (1656–1697)

    Discourses on the Rich Man and Lazarus by Timothy Cruso (1656–1697) Timothy Cruso (1656–1697), was an excellent and unimpeachable Presbyterian minister, with a strong communicative ability seasoned with a hearty pastoral tenderness. In this work on Luke 16, Christ’s narrative concerning the...
  2. M

    Is Abraham's bosom is a compartment of hades?

    I couldn't find any reformed articles that explained the combination or relations of the following terms: hades, Abraham's bosom and paradise, and their relationship to Jesus descending (or not) to hades. So this is how I have learned, but I doubt that it is correct: Hell (hades) has...