law of god

  1. S

    The law was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come — But which law is it?

    From Galatians chapter 3: This passage quite confuses me, and not for the first time. Basically, it seems to treat the uniquely Mosaic parts of the law and the moral law in one. It would not surprise me if this is a popular passage among antinomians, though such an interpretation would...
  2. S

    Of marrying a spouses kindred nearer in blood than you may your own

    The Westminster Confession of Faith, Chapter XXIV, section IV: Marriage ought not to be within the degrees of consanguinity or affinity forbidden in the Word;a nor can such incestuous marriages ever be made lawful by any law of man, or consent of parties, so as those persons may live together as...
  3. Matt Ryan

    The Law given to Adam is the same as the 10 commandments??? WCF 19.1 & 19.2, 1689 2LBC

    My question is about the following chapters/paragraphs in the WCF and the 1689. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm wrestling with these concepts and trying to understand the reasoning behind them. Chapter XIX of the Westminster Confession of Faith: Of the Law of God 19.1. God gave to Adam a law...
  4. D

    The Ten Commandments in 1 Timothy 1:8-11

    I recently listened to a sermon on the fourth commandment, in which it was explained that 1 Timothy 1:8-11 contains a reference to the Ten Commandments (with the 10th commandment being included in the "whatever else" portion, as follows: Has anyone heard of this before? Does this...
  5. JS116

    Westminster and Theonomy

    While listening and reading different resources I've heard of this new teaching of the law called Theonomy.I've been hearing different views on the subject and no straight answers. So I want to ask you guy's what exactly is Theonomy? How is it the same or differ from the historic...
  6. C

    Recommendations for Study of Ten Commandments, esp. 2nd and 4th

    I feel as if I am in the middle of a paradigm shift recently. I have believed in the Doctrines of Grace for sometime, but I have never departed from many common evangelical beliefs like (supposed) images of Jesus not a problem, the Sabbath isn't required, and in general, we are not required to...