jonathan edwards

  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW MUSIC: ALL OUT WAR - Covering Christopher Love's Book on Spiritual Warfare - McMahon

    ALL OUT WAR Dr. McMahon has taken Christopher Love’s excellent book, “The Christian’s Combat Against the Devil,” and composed and arranged songs chapter by chapter using Love’s content. Each chapter is distilled to its primary message and set to music in the style of 1980s-1990s metal rock...
  2. C. Matthew McMahon

    Jonathan Edwards Introduces Puritan Publications

  3. T

    John Gerstner on Creation: Pantheism?

    I have been listening to Dr. John Gerstner's lectures on systematic theology (called "Handout Theology") on Ligonier's website. Dr. Gerstner is one of my favorite people to listen to. Yesterday, I listened to his lecture on creation. It was one of the most bizarre things I've ever heard on the...
  4. S

    Is Love a Part of the Nature of Saving Faith?

    I have a question concerning the nature of saving faith: is love a part of the nature of saving faith or merely the chief fruit of saving faith? Or both? When I read the WCF, Belgic Conf., and Heidelberg Catechism I don't see love mentioned but when I read Jonathan Edwards and John Piper they...
  5. Unworthy_Servant

    A Question in regards to Edward's Freedom of the Will

    Recently I've been going through Edward's Freedom of the Will with a friend, and the other day we read through part 2 sect. 1 where he gives his Infinite Regress Argument against Arminianism. My understanding is that our Wills are contingent upon previous acts of the Will, and each act is never...
  6. Charles Johnson

    Was Jonathan Edwards a "virtual pantheist"?

    The following is a quote from A. A. Hodge's Outlines of Theology: "Besides pure pantheism there has existed an infinite variety of impure forms of virtual pantheism. This is true of all systems that affirm the impersonality of the infinite and absolute, and which resolve all the divine...
  7. JesusSavesJohn629

    What to read first on "The Will"... Luther or Edwards?

    This morning I went to my bookshelf and picked up "Freedom of the Will" by Jonathan Edwards. I got to thinking, however, would it be beneficial to work through Martin Luther's "Bondage of the Will" first? Let me say first that I am a convinced monergist. I am not looking to be convinced of one...
  8. T

    Jonathan Edwards and Justification

    Hello, brothers and sisters. Recently I listened to this podcast in which Dr. R. Scott Clark talked about Jonathan Edwards' deficient view of justification (specifically see 39:09-46:45 in the link above). In short, his accusation is that Edwards simply is "ambiguous" regarding justification...
  9. jamessh1990

    American Religion | Puritan Fathers, Johnathan Edwards, The Great Awakening etc.

    We have more sets of American Religion: Literary Sources and Documents available. RRP £235.00 for £25.00 Edited By David Turley. Helm-1998. 3 volumes, over 1500pp With frontispiece map of New England by Cotton Mather & 18 other illustrations. 185 document selections give a...
  10. Eoghan

    Jonathan Edwards on Revival

    I am not entirely sure if this edition is still available. It comprises three parts 1. A Narrative of Surprising Conversions 2. The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God 3. An Account of the Revival of Religion in Northampton 1740-1742 The first part was rather disparate...
  11. F

    My Blank Bible

    Hey guys, Just thought I'd share with you my Blank Bible project, copied entirely from Tony Reinke over at Miscellanies, who copied the idea from Jonathan Edward's own Blank Bible. Here are the links to my blog posts about it: BB - Phase 1 BB - Phase 2 Here's a final product picture...
  12. CarlosOliveira

    The Rational Biblical Theology of Jonathan Edwards

    If anyone is interested to purchase a fine and clean 3 vol. set of "The Rational Biblical Theology of Jonathan Edwards" by John Gerstner for $75, let me know or contact Tom Golden (, please. He has just one set to sell of this out-of-print and rare set. Just an...