jewish sabbath

  1. S

    The Sabbath and Jewish Evangelism

    Around 2:38, the orthodox questioner asks why Messianic Jews do not keep the Sabbath. He does not get an answer. Because there is not a good answer - he found one of the inconsistancies of Israeli MJ's. I am sure a Confessional Presbyterian would give an answer that, while not a proof for...
  2. B.L.

    What occurred on "Preparation Day" before the Sabbath and Feasts?

    Greetings Friends, While doing my daily reading plan I camped out on Mark 15:42 for a bit and started thinking about the "Preparation Day" that was referenced. A phrase study has the same mentioned in Mt 27:62; Mr 15:42; Lu 23:54; John 19:14,31,42. What exactly occurred on this day? Can anyone...