
  1. R

    Status of Infants in Presbyterianism?

    I have been trying to figure out the Reformed view of the sacrament of Baptism for a long time now. The Westminster confession states that Baptism is an effectual means of salvation for the Elect, even though it usually isn't tied to the exact moment of it happening. I also understand that...
  2. sc_q_jayce

    Witsius on Efficacy of Infant Baptism Help Needed

    Hi everyone, For those who have read Witsius's On the Efficacy and Utility of Baptism in the Case of Elect Infants Whose Parents Are Under the Covenant, I had a question that I hope someone can answer for me. This was published in the 2006 issue of Mid-America Journal of Theology, vol 17, pp...
  3. charispistis

    Reformed View of When Infants Receive The Holy Spirit

    Hello, my sister is witnessing to one of our cousins who is a Roman Catholic, and wants to know the best way to approach some of her (cousin) beliefs regarding Infant Baptism and the receiving of the Holy Spirit. Here is the question. The question that has come up that my sister needs help is...
  4. Grillsy

    Baptism as a seal.

    In the Westminster Standards. We argue that baptism is a sign and seal. I know what my answer would be and what I have learned reading Puritans and certain Reformers. However I have heard varying answers as to just what is meant by a "seal" by others in the paedobaptist camp. As I am a...