infant baptism

  1. J

    Paedo-Baptism Answers Baptism as a command

    Hi, I’m interested to know how my paedobaptist friends would answer these questioned in regard to baptism. A friend has concerns regarding infant baptism, thinking that the child is passive when baptized and then is never able to actively obey the command to be baptized when they are grown and...
  2. H

    Paedo-Baptism Answers Infant Baptistm Objection

    A dear friend of mine brought up this objection to paedo baptism. I'd be curious if any of you have heard this argument and have thoughts on how to counter it. He says he hasn't found anyone who can raise an objection to it. Thanks! "What seems insurmountable to me is that the new covenant is...
  3. A

    Paedo-Baptism Answers Is infant baptism always impossible to be a real mean of grace in the time its administrated?

    administered* Considering the Reformed Orthodox view that Baptism as a mean of grace, does communicates its grace to the elect, and this by elect faith. How Infant Baptism could useful when its done without the needed faith? Is Its grace logic and necessary pushed to future? If so, infant...
  4. César Augusto

    Paedo-Baptism Answers Meditations for parents who will baptize their children

    My almost one month old daughter will be baptized next Lord's day. Trying to make the correct use of this ordinance, I looked for thoughts and meditations for my wife and me to prepare ourselves for the vows we will take, but I found nothing. Does anyone know any material in this regard...
  5. B.L.

    Paedo-Baptism Answers Do You Believe it Sin to Neglect Baptism of Infants?

    Greetings friends, I was curious whether my Presbyterian brothers and sisters affirm the section in Chapter 28 of the WCF about it being a "great sin" to contemn or neglect Baptism, specifically in scenarios where parents refuse to have their infants baptized? Do you think the language here is...
  6. C. Matthew McMahon

    Primitive Baptism by Matthew Sylvester (1636–1708)

    Primitive Baptism and Therein Infant’s and Parent’s Rights by Matthew Sylvester (1636–1708) Matthew Sylvester (1636–1708) was a nonconformist divine, a meek and spirited Reformed preacher, and scholarly linguist. This wonderful work by Matthew Sylvester is an exegetical triumph of proper...
  7. C. Matthew McMahon

    New Audio Book - Infant Baptism God's Ordinance by Michael Harrison

    The next audio book is ready to go! AUDIO BOOK: Infant Baptism God's Ordinance by Michael Harrison There is no better succinct, concise, precise and exegetical work on infant baptism than Harrison’s work. It is not just about baptism – it’s about infant inclusion in the covenant of grace. It’s...
  8. JOwen

    Infants Dying in Infancy: Canons of Dort, Head 1, Article 17

    Fellow PBer's Some of us have lost children either by miscarriage or after birth. We are going through the Canons of Dort Wednesday evenings as a congregation, and I thought I would post this here so that some of us who have experienced such a loss, might take comfort. I'm not placing this...
  9. mrhartley85

    Postmill and infant baptism

    I’m new to Westminster Federalism, but is postmillenialism related to the idea that the elect are usually and providentially born into believing families? In other words, does the fact that covenant children and the promises to them tie into the idea of postmillenial eschatology?
  10. mrhartley85

    I need your advice

    Hey all, I’m new to Puritan Board. I have been recently convinced about Westminster covenant theology and that includes infant/child baptism. My wife and I currently are members at a baptist church that teaches the Doctrines of Grace (they aren’t reformed baptists per se). We are very happy at...
  11. sc_q_jayce

    Witsius on Efficacy of Infant Baptism Help Needed

    Hi everyone, For those who have read Witsius's On the Efficacy and Utility of Baptism in the Case of Elect Infants Whose Parents Are Under the Covenant, I had a question that I hope someone can answer for me. This was published in the 2006 issue of Mid-America Journal of Theology, vol 17, pp...
  12. Travis Fentiman

    Presumptive Regeneration

    What is to be made of Presumptive Regeneration (PR), which has become so popular in the modern, Reformed Church? Jesus told Nicodemus, who was a teacher in Israel and externally in the Covenant in good standing, “You must be born again.” (Jn. 3:7) It is largely not known that the classical era...
  13. P

    Origins of Credobaptism

    I was listening to a Reformed Forum podcast that stated Credobaptism (meaning the view that believers only should be baptized) originated in the Reformation era and there is little to no evidence of it prior to that or in the early church. Is this true? My wife is Baptist and I am Presbyterian...
  14. P

    Does early church history support believers baptism or infant baptism?

    my wife is a baptist and I am Presbyterian. She recently asked me what form of baptism is supported in the first centuries of the church.
  15. P

    How old is too old for infant baptism?

    I am a former Baptist turned paedobaptist. My wife is a Baptist and she and I are in an ongoing discussion about whether to baptize our children. Our son is almost three and we have an infant daughter. She is adamant that she doesn't want our three year old baptized, because she feels it would...
  16. P

    Reformed Baptist Converting to Reformed Paedobaptist (A Practical Question)

    This is my first post. I am on something of a theological journey right now. I have always been a Reformed Baptist from the time I was saved, however just recently I have started questioning my understanding of the covenants and baptism. I'm about five inches from "conversion" to the...
  17. R

    Baptism and the Regulative principle

    This was originally posted in the wading pool but I was asked to post it here to get more Hey guys n gals! As a Baptist who is into reformed theology I have been wrestling with infant baptism. Before I ask this question I would like to state that I in no way mean this offensively, I am...
  18. P

    Kuyper & Presumptive Regeneration

    Could someone please explain, in a nutshell, Abraham Kuyper's understanding of Presumptive Regeneration, and if it differs from other possible views of Presumptive Regeneration? I always thought PR was the argument for paedobaptism that runs thusly: Baptism is to be administered to the...
  19. Scholten

    Does the Word "Baptizo" Require Immersion?

    The following are a statement and a response from a dialogue that is taking place in our congregation. A number of our members advocate believer's baptism whereas we are a member of the Christian Reformed denomination, a covenantal, Reformed church. Any insights you can add will assist us in...
  20. charispistis

    Reformed View of When Infants Receive The Holy Spirit

    Hello, my sister is witnessing to one of our cousins who is a Roman Catholic, and wants to know the best way to approach some of her (cousin) beliefs regarding Infant Baptism and the receiving of the Holy Spirit. Here is the question. The question that has come up that my sister needs help is...
  21. Scholten

    The Abrahamic Covenant is Also Physical in Nature in the New Testament

    We are in the middle of a pivotal Bible study in our church (Christian Reformed) having to do with the number of families who have become convinced that believer's baptism is biblical. It may cause our congregation to move in the direction of practicing both believer's and infant baptism. In...
  22. Scholten

    Baptism and "the children of God"

    My wife and I are members of the Christian Reformed Church in the United States. From the early days of our marriage, before we had kids, we were troubled by the wording of our forms for the baptism of infants. They spoke of the infants of believers as being "children of God." While studying at...
  23. Pilgrim

    Oikia vs Oikos--A Vaid Distinction?

    In some 19th Century paedobaptist polemical works, I've recently seen the terms oikia and oikos distinguished. Oikos is said to mean family and oikia is said to mean household, which would include servants, etc. Generally speaking, the argument is that in Acts and elsewhere in the NT oikos is...
  24. Scholten

    The New Covenant Clearly Replaced the Mosaic Covenant, Not the Abrahamic.

    Paedo-baptist Statement There is considerable scriptural evidence that the new covenant replaced the Mosaic covenant, not the Abrahamic. In Jeremiah 31 God promises a new covenant and in verse 32 he says it will not be like the covenant he made him with their fathers when he took them by the...
  25. Scholten

    #4 Dr. Wellum: At Its Inception The Mosaic Covenant Did Not Annul the Abrahamic Coven

    :berkhof: Given the emphasis on the Puritan Board for the healthy, constructive discussion of baptism, we have high hopes for generating some good comments. We are in need of good Baptist responses to a number of pro-infant baptism statements. These responses are needed in an on-going...
  26. Scholten

    #3 Dr. Wellum: Were the OT Israelites Automatically "God's People"?

    This is the third post in the open dialogue covering arguments contained in the book Believer's Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant in Christ. The Dialogos website can provide very good material for sermon preparation and teaching classes. To view this posting and additional material on the...
  27. Pilgrim

    A Presbyterian and a Reformed Baptist discuss baptism
  28. Scholten

    Dialogue On the Book "Believer’s Baptism"

    If you have 60 seconds, you can be a part of an open dialogue covering a number of the arguments contained in the recent book Believer’s Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant in Christ! Editors Dr. Thomas Schreiner and Dr. Shawn Wright along with eight Baptist authorities have produced a very...
  29. JM

    Did Luther and Zwingli write...

    Luther: “There is not sufficient evidence from Scripture that one might justify the introduction of infant baptism at the time of the early Christians after the apostolic period. . . . But so much is evident, that no one may venture with a good conscience to reject or abandon infant baptism...