hypothetical universalism

  1. TryingToLearn

    Question on Turretin Contra Hypothetical Universalism

    I was reading Turretin on hypothetical universalism and I am confused on how one of his arguments is supposed to logically follow. Here's the section: Nor would the nature of the thing allow this [That it can be said at the same time that Christ died for some absolutely and for all...
  2. TryingToLearn

    Critiques of Davenant's Hypothetical Universalism?

    Michael Lynch has written a great book on Davenant's hypothetical universalism (https://www.amazon.com/John-Davenants-Hypothetical-Universalism-HISTORICAL/dp/0197555144), arguing for its compatibility with Reformed orthodoxy and distinguishing it from Amyraldism. I agree on these points, but I...