
  1. N

    Hoeksema's rejection of ex nihilo

    I’m having difficulty determining whether Herman Hoeksema rejects the historical position of creation ex nihilo or whether he simply dislikes the specific term ”ex nihilo”. This is from his Reformed Dogmatics: Does anyone have thoughts on this?
  2. chatwithstumac

    Herman Hoeksema's View of Common Grace

    Does anyone have a cliff note version on Herman Hoeksema's view of Common Grace? I've heard he is anti-common grace. It that true and why? By His Grace, Stu
  3. chatwithstumac

    Behold He Cometh

    We are studying the Lord's return (pre, a, post and other views) in our weekly Bible study. For personal study, would Herman Hoeksema's "Behold He Cometh" be a good choice? Where does he generally stand on the issues? In Christ, Stu