
  1. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW BOOK: The Works of Henry Greenwood by Henry Greenwood (1545-1634)

    The Works of Henry Greenwood by Henry Greenwood (1545-1634) Henry Greenwood (1545-1634) was a Calvinistic Minister of the Gospel and a popular early Puritan theologian. Explore the timeless and biblical wisdom of Henry Greenwood’s original works compiled into a single volume. There are nine...
  2. G

    Will we ever see God's face? (God the Father)

    In eternity will we ever see God the Father's "face"? I'm hoping to stay out of the debates of God having a face as we understand it. Its more of a question of how close our interaction will be with the Father. I'm certain we'll never be disappointed in whatever God grants but I struggle to...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    Online Resources on the Beatific Vision

    What will it be like to see God? (Mt. 5:8) This is the end and fruit of the Christian life, forever. Taste heaven with these newly collected resources from the best of reformed literature (which are not otherwise easy to come by): On the Beatific Vision - ReformedBooksOnline “As for me, I...
  4. C. Matthew McMahon

    NEW: Westminster Divine John Jackson's (1600-1648) The Doctrine of Man’s Future Eternity

    The Doctrine of Man’s Future Eternity by John Jackson (1600-1648) John Jackson (1600-1648) was a Westminster Puritan divine with a hearty theological intellect, and tender pastoral understanding. In this work, Jackson lays down biblically the doctrine of eternity, and the importance of man’s...
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    The Believer’s Marriage with Christ by Michael Harrison (1640-1729) - NEW!

    The Believer’s Marriage with Christ by Michael Harrison (1640-1729) Michael Harrison (1640-1729) was a faithful puritan minister of the Gospel and a powerful Reformed Presbyterian preacher. Everything we have published from Harrison is top notch. We have one final work to publish by him on the...
  6. charispistis

    Teachings of Jesus on Heaven and Hell

    I have searched the forum for this question and have found one unanswered post. But it was already closed. I have often heard people claiming that Jesus taught more about hell then he did on heaven. I was wondering if this is actually true. Has anyone looked into this further? This is...
  7. P

    Are babies adults in Heaven?

    Grieving the loss of my brother and sister-in-law's 8 week old "in utero" baby...I am thankful we can peacefully assume he/she is in Heaven, but it did make me wonder...are there any reasons to believe this "embryo" would be a fully developed human in Heaven? I am comforting myself with this...
  8. F

    The Puritans on Heaven

    Hey folks, We're hosting a retreat this weekend focused on Heaven. We'll be doing lots of teaching on it and reflecting on what the Bible has to say about Heaven. So, it got me thinking: What did the Puritans have to say about Heaven? I was wondering if you guys had any quotes or extracts on...
  9. C

    Where is Heaven right now?

    I told my toddler today that God is in heaven. He asked, "Where is heaven?" I didn't exactly know what to answer, so I replied that it is where God's glory is. Maybe a more specific question is, "Where is Jesus' physical body located at this time?" How would you respond?
  10. tellville

    Question about Heaven and Hell

    It seems to me that a lot of us take the descriptions of Heaven to be symbolic (there won't actually be streets of gold) but the descriptions of Hell to be literal (there will be flames). I'm just curious as to why this is? Why couldn't the descriptions of Hell also be symbolic? Just to...