
  1. T

    Traditional Text Interaction between Christian McSchaffrey, Brett Mahlen, and James White

    Recently, the podcast coming out of Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary put out an interview with Christian McShaffrey and Brett Mahlen discussing their work and thought when it comes to textual criticism. They are both advocates of what is commonly called the "traditional text...
  2. J

    RTS vs. SBTS vs. GPTS

    Hello all, and happy Lord’s Day! I’m currently in undergrad, planning on entering the ministry, and considering the following seminaries: Reformed, Southern Baptist, and Greenville Presbyterian. For background information, I’m a Reformed Baptist who’s open to the possibility of academic...
  3. L

    Greenville Presbyterian Seminary

    I've heard a lot of good things about Greenville from people I know and from what I've read on this website. After looking at their course program, I was a bit surprised to notice that while other Presbyterian seminaries such as Covenant, Westminster, and RTS include a few OT/NT courses that...