genevan psalter

  1. S

    Psalm Tunes - A thread for sharing and requesting recommended psalm tunes or audio of psalmody

    Hello all, Since I can't be the only psalmody-lover in a church that dosen't sing the psalms, I thought we could have one thread for anyone who is looking to learn a new tune for a certain psalm or to share lesser-known tunes he found work well for a psalm. This could also be a place to collect...
  2. T

    Psautier de Genève (Genevan Psalter)

    This website has the complete Genevan Psalter in French. It is the slightly revised version done by Valentin Conrart in 1729. Some of the 1587 versions are also available. The same website has a link to this website of quotations and prayers of men such as...