free will

  1. 5Solas5Points

    Did Johnathan Edwards radically change the reformed view of the will?

    I've heard that Jonathan Edwards view of the will and determinism radically changed the way the contemporary reformed view it. I'm somewhat ignorant on exactly what the church taught prior to Edwards on the will. The guy who said Edwards view departed radically from the earlier reformed is a...
  2. pgwolv

    Countering Provisionism

    Dear Puritan Board I have been discussing Calvinism with a self-proclaimed anti-Calvinist. I found out that he is a Provisionist, a term with which I was unfamiliar. I searched the Puritan Board for related discussions and found very little information. What I know is that Leighton Flowers is...
  3. SebastianClinciuJJ

    Pope Clement XI's Papal Encyclical "Unigenitus", 1713

    This Papal Encyclical, written in the midst of the Jansenism controversy, contains 101 propositions of Pasquier Quesnel (a Jansenist theologian) condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. Along those propositions are found the next: "3. In vain, O Lord, do You command, if You do not give what you...
  4. SebastianClinciuJJ

    Alister McGrath’s interpretation of Augustine

    Hello, I am reading McGrath’s Iustitia Dei and I came across something strange. In his analysis of Augustine’s concept of free will, he writes: “According to Augustine, the act of faith is itself a divine gift, in which God acts upon the rational soul in such a way that it comes to believe...
  5. chatwithstumac

    Myth: We don't have free will.

    I thought Calvinism says we don't have free will. How I've understood it: either your will is a slave to Satan or to Christ. Being "free" from the bondage of sin is not "free will" it's a "freed will." That's different. We're freed from sin to do the will of the Father. Thoughts? Source...
  6. Unworthy_Servant

    A Question in regards to Edward's Freedom of the Will

    Recently I've been going through Edward's Freedom of the Will with a friend, and the other day we read through part 2 sect. 1 where he gives his Infinite Regress Argument against Arminianism. My understanding is that our Wills are contingent upon previous acts of the Will, and each act is never...
  7. Haeralis

    How Aristotle's "Ethics" Helped to Cause the Reformation

    This helpful academic journal article from Dr. Ronald N. Frost delineates the role played by Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics in fostering the medieval scholasticism that the Protestant Reformers sought to replace with a purer Augustinian theology. Crucial topics explored within Aristotle’s...
  8. ArminianOnceWas

    Free Will & The Sovereign God Within the Christmas Narrative

    As I prepare for Advent sermons, I am considering free-will vs the sovereignty of God within those narratives. I am aware that the topic is or ought to be elementary, however I thank God for the beauty found within His Word. Luke 1, the birth of John announced to Zacharias, the text makes clear...
  9. JesusSavesJohn629

    What to read first on "The Will"... Luther or Edwards?

    This morning I went to my bookshelf and picked up "Freedom of the Will" by Jonathan Edwards. I got to thinking, however, would it be beneficial to work through Martin Luther's "Bondage of the Will" first? Let me say first that I am a convinced monergist. I am not looking to be convinced of one...
  10. Mathias321

    Free Grace, Much Forgotten in Modern Evangelicalism

    This is an article I submitted to The Record, which is Wheaton College's student-run newspaper (I am a student there). They put it on and it was published and distributed on March 23, 2017: "I write this article with concern and with love for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ here at...
  11. M

    Help me defend Reformed Theology

    Grace and Peace, I refuted a chapter on predestination from a Brazilian Seventh Day Adventist and defended the doctrines of predestination according to Reformed Theology. However, this month marks one year that I came to believe in the doctrines of grace and I don't know everything...
  12. ryanhamre

    Question concerning excerpt from "Genesis" by Waltke

    I was reading Waltke's "Genesis" commentary and read something I'm not too sure of concerning humanity being made in the image of God; I thought I would share the quote and see what you guys think- Furthermore, we are theomorphic. At the very least this entails that human beings, like God...
  13. C

    Outside of worship, if it's not forbiddent, is it permitted?

    Outside of worshipping God (which is guarded by the regulative principle), are we free to do anything that's not explicitly or implicitly forbidden? e.g., Let's say I'm trying to decide between pursuing two choices. I study the Scripture and don't see any Scripture that would explicitly or...