
  1. CAStratman

    Good books for understanding literary form of NT epistles?

    Hello. Could anyone recommend some books or resources for understanding the literary/rhetorical style of the NT epistles, particularly how Paul/Peter/James/Jude use tropes and devices to form their arguments? Something that would help me teach the letters to middle and high school students in a...
  2. RobertPGH1981

    2 Tim 3:6-9 Jannes and Jambres

    Simple question that probably has an obvious answer that I am not seeing. I was reading in personal study this morning and came accross a passage that I was confused by. In 2 Tim 3:6-9 mentions Jannes and Jambres linked to Moses. When I looked this up it points to the section when magicians...
  3. RobertPGH1981

    Philippians 1:18-20 "turn out for my deliverance"

    Hello All, Curious to know your favored view on the below passage in regards to the phrase "through your prayers and the Spirit of Jesus Christ will turn out for my deliverance". Philippians 1:18-20 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed...
  4. R

    James and Jude, Brothers of Jesus, Cousins of Jesus, or Neither?

    I have been working through this question in my mind and with the Scripture recently and have had several conversations with other Pastors and brothers in Christ on this matter. However, I have been receiving many different answers regarding the subject. I do have a tentative position presently...