doctrine of god

  1. S

    Recommended reading on Holiness (What is "Holy"?)

    Hello, brethren, Do you have any recommended reading (preferably not too long, more like a Puritan treatise or something similar) on holiness? As in, what it is, the holiness of God, the holiness of created things like the saints, sabbath, scriptures and temple, and related topics? In addition...
  2. Charles Johnson

    Gisbertus Voetius on Scholastic Theology

    Hi friends, I have translated a section of Voetius dealing with scholastic theology for the first time. I feel that the scholastic/Aquinas retrieval movement has not been entirely honest about the reception of medieval scholasticism in the Reformed Church, especially when they make statements...
  3. Redneck_still_Reforming

    Looking for help w/ presentation about God

    Hello, In a few weeks, I will be speaking to a small group about aspects of who God is (aspects applied analogously as God is a simple, complete being w/out parts). I affirm simplicity and I can talk about it a little using terms I was taught but how should I present it to a group of laypeople...
  4. Charles Johnson

    Resources on the Son as άυτόθεος

    Good afternoon brethren, I'm putting together a list of sources on the άυτόθεος doctrine, or more specifically, whether the Son is begotten of the Father according to his essence. Enjoy!
  5. C. Matthew McMahon

    Attributes of God Section at APM (New)

    The internet is woefully inadequate on a compilation of articles, books and such on God's attributes from a biblical / Reformed perspective. I'm working to build out a solid attributes of God section to the site by faithful Reformed preachers and writers. At this new section of A Puritan's Mind...
  6. S

    John Murray's lectures on Theology Proper

    Hi, My first post I think so please excuse me if I get something wrong. I was re-reading Frame's article about systematics and apologetics at Westminster last night (here: Systematic Theology and Apologetics at Westminster - Reformed ... [Word doc]), and again I found Frame's references to 90...