divinity of christ

  1. Travis Fentiman

    Communication of Properties in Christ

    How is it said that God purchased the Church with his blood (Acts 20:28), when God does not have blood? The answer is that it was Christ who bled, who is both God and man. The attribution of the properties of one of Christ’s natures to the other (such as in Acts 20:28) is called the doctrine...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Resources on the Assumption

    It is sometimes argued that the Incarnation of Christ contradicts the unchangeability of God, for if a divine Person became a man in time, then some change must have occured in the divine Person. Traditional Christianity, however, has held that God, by definition, is able to act on others...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    Grounds of Christ Receiving Divine Worship

    We are to only worship God, and yet Jesus, a man, was worshipped in his earthly ministry. How is this so? The answer is that we worship Jesus, the God-man Mediator, not insofar as He is a creature, but insofar as his Person is God. This precious jewel of theology is argued by the reformed...
  4. C

    Berkhof and the necessity of Jesus' divinity

    On pg 319 (Banner of Truth Edition) of his Systematic Theology, in the chapter on the names and natures of Christ, Berkhof statest that it is absolutely essential for the Mediator to be very God in order that: 1. He might bring a sacrifice of infinite value and render perfect obedience to...