covenant seminary

  1. TheBruisedReed

    A time for choosing.

    Ladies and Gentlemen of the PB, I covet your input regarding a couple of seminaries. In an effort to keep it unbiased, I will only offer that I have been accepted to both for the MDiv. Let's pretend for a moment that financing, relocation, etc., are not an issue. Just a vote based on a bare...
  2. D

    From SBTS to Covenant?

    Hi all! I'm a super new member. My wife and 2 kids (1 more coming) are currently at Southern Seminary. We've been here 2 years, but I've been at SBTS just 1. My wife thought she might like to do the counseling, but we've recently seen the benefits of a more integrated/reformational counseling...
  3. westpres

    The Confession Unbound

    I just discovered "The Puritan Board" yesterday and saw a thread about my book "The Confession Unbound: Meditations on the westminster confession. I was an IFCA Army Chaplain for 10 years (and a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary). during seminary there were so many questions I had...