covenant of works

  1. SkylerGerald

    What would have been the moment of obedience in the covenant of works?

    Something that has long eluded me when thinking about the covenant of works is what would have been the obedience that would have granted life to Adam (cf. WCF 7.2). The terms of the covenant, as I understand it, lie in not eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen 2:17). The...
  2. C

    information on a theological Controversy within the Korean Presbyterian Church?

    Recently I have been hearing about a theological controversy within the Korean Presbyterians Church - especially in South Korea but also influencing Korean Christians in North America. Speaking to some Koreans in my context there seems to a rejection of the covenant of works, and the active and...
  3. Matt Ryan

    The Law given to Adam is the same as the 10 commandments??? WCF 19.1 & 19.2, 1689 2LBC

    My question is about the following chapters/paragraphs in the WCF and the 1689. I'm not looking for a fight. I'm wrestling with these concepts and trying to understand the reasoning behind them. Chapter XIX of the Westminster Confession of Faith: Of the Law of God 19.1. God gave to Adam a law...
  4. nicnap

    A New Day of Small Beginnings by Courthial

    I've just begun Courthial's work, and am curious as to if I am reading him anachronistically or right. For those who have read him, is he monocoveanantal? (Am I jumping the gun on his first few pages and should I wait for him to flesh it out?)
  5. Von

    Covenant of works and the sacrifice of Christ.

    I might be missing something here, and maybe someone can just give me a quick answer, but If the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the world (Rev 13:8), how could the covenant of works be in place at the same time?
  6. ChananBachiyr

    Creation Ordinances

    I was listening to a lesson on Covenant Theology this morning, Dr. Stephen Myers spoke of the CoW with Adam and also mentioned the creation ordinances, which was the first I had ever heard them referred to as such! Concerning the ordinances of procreation and marriage... how do they coincide...
  7. Christusregnat

    Was Adam Created In Covenant?

    Howdy, I am in dialogue with a good friend of mine about whether or not Adam was created in covenant with God, or whether the covenant of nature/works was added after man's first creation. I maintain that the covenant of works was a matter of God's will and providence, not of man's nature...
  8. JS116

    Westminster and Theonomy

    While listening and reading different resources I've heard of this new teaching of the law called Theonomy.I've been hearing different views on the subject and no straight answers. So I want to ask you guy's what exactly is Theonomy? How is it the same or differ from the historic...