covenant baptism

  1. Amy Green

    To what extent is the head his household responsible for the faith of the household?

    Hey everyone! I come from a Reformed (Paedobapist) background and have been defending that front against a growing number of friends from the same background who have become Baptist. Recently, however, the implications of my theology have hit home rather hard and I am considerably less convinced...
  2. J.L. Allen

    Paedo-Baptism Answers A Baptist’s Paper Wanting Answers

    My friend wrote this paper giving his objection to paedobaptism for a class at TEDS. This more or less summarizes his view. He said he would love to switch views should Scripture support it. I know, y’all know, that Scripture supports our view, but I’m too new to give a rebuttal at this level...
  3. J.L. Allen

    It’s Official!

    My wife and I are going to be seeking full membership at Westminster OPC near by. After reading John Murray’s “Christian Baptism” she’s fully adopted covenant theology. This has been a year long journey for both of us, but we’ve arrived. Here’s a prayer request: Please pray for us as we tell...
  4. mrhartley85

    I need your advice

    Hey all, I’m new to Puritan Board. I have been recently convinced about Westminster covenant theology and that includes infant/child baptism. My wife and I currently are members at a baptist church that teaches the Doctrines of Grace (they aren’t reformed baptists per se). We are very happy at...