cornelius van til

  1. T

    Lane Tipton: "The Deeper Protestant Conception of Natural Theology"

    Dr. Lane Tipton, Fellow of Biblical and Systematic Theology at Reformed Forum, has just released a new article through the Reformed Forum newsletter. In it, he challenges Dr. John Fesko's introductory essay to Geerhardus Vos' Natural Theology, which Reformation Heritage recently released. Dr...
  2. Gwallard

    On Fideism, Testing (Mal 3), and Van Til

    When continuing to read Bahnsen's Van Til Reader, I was struck by a contrast: Van Til completely disagrees with fideism, and completely disagrees that sinful man can be convinced by reason alone. Tell me if this is helpful, confused, or off base. I do not think these are incompatible, but it...
  3. T

    New Reformed Forum Class: Van Til's Trinitarian Theology

    I realized today that I completely forgot to post about this here when the class came out on March 9... Reformed Forum, a leading organization for the advancement of a distinctly Christian worldview in America, have launched a new course on Cornelius Van Til's Trinitarian Theology with Dr. Lane...