
  1. pgwolv

    Can context be used to infer a negative from a positive statement in John 10?

    I have been discussing John 10 with someone who denies the doctrines of grace. I pointed out how Christ is the Shepherd who lays down His life for His sheep, as a part of the doctrine of limited atonement. That brother, however, says that I commit the negative inference fallacy by doing so: just...
  2. ChristianTrader

    Contextualism, Common Sense and Worldview considerations

    Here is a link to two blog posts by a friend on the subject of context and how it relates to knowledge. I think it is a relatively unique position in evangelical circles. Context (Part 1) - What is Contextualism and What do we mean when we say that we know something? Summum Bonum: Context...
  3. D

    Revelation 22:18-19 - Referring to the whole Bible, or just Revelation?

    This is something I've wondered about for a while, but is probably a silly question. These verses are occasionally used as Scriptural proof against modifying any part of the Bible. That should be common sense, but looking at the context, it seems that these verses can only be talking about...