confessional presbyterian

  1. NaphtaliPress

    Confessional Presbyterian journal 7 (2011) available end of November, contents below

    The 2011 issue of The Confessional Presbyterian journal is at the book maker and should be available at the end of November, 2011. Subscribe now for $18 USA/$25 International; price will rise to retail of $25 after issues start shipping out to subscribers. Purchase here. The finalized contents...
  2. NaphtaliPress

    Matthew Winzer review of Needham re Westminster Assembly & Psamody - free

    Matthew Winzer, “Westminster and Worship Examined: A Review of Nick Needham’s essay on the Westminster Confession of Faith’s teaching concerning the regulative principle, the singing of psalms, and the use of musical instruments in the public worship of God.” CPJ has been peddling this as...