classical theism

  1. jacobcandler1689

    Immutability and Assurance

    Was just meditating on Malachi 3:6, “I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” I found this text on immutability to be particularly comforting, and it got me curious to see if anyone has written on this topic. Is anyone aware of a devotional or theological work...
  2. F

    Synthesising Scripture: Defending the Traditional View of God

    In the thread “Priority of Theology Proper over Soteriology”, while addressing the need to focus on Scripture first and primarily before dealing with the classical view of God, the following comment was made: I’d like to further understand the reasoning behind the traditional approach to...
  3. Guardian of the Mill

    Who do they have in mind?

    In the link above, James White and Doug Wilson are addressing some issues they have about a group who seem to be advocating a return to classical theism and sources such as Thomas Aquinas. At no point, if I recall correctly, do they name names. As an aside, I am right now becoming increasingly...