church of england

  1. EmilyF

    Looking for John Geree's 'Ten Cases Resolved'

    Hello everyone! I really enjoyed Geree's short piece about the Old English Puritan, and was looking at his list of works. A lot of them seem to be interesting, and I'm sure his works on paedobaptism will be useful to many who are on the fence or not sure of strong arguments. It seems that I...
  2. S

    Did England have covenanters?

    What happened to the English Presbyterian non-conformists after 1662? Did the ejected ministers of such persuations survive, preservere and maintain some sort of presence? Or were they succesfully supressed and forced out of existance? If there was such a movement, did they have any ties with...
  3. S

    The Puritans and Anglican Orders

    The Ordinal of the Church of England has several parts, to whch I can imagine many Puritans would object. Yet they were ordained in it, weren't they? Are these parts innovations added in 1662 or did they exist in the older prayerbooks too? I would assume that at minimum the part about submition...
  4. Travis Fentiman

    Writings of the English Reformers

    Some of the most precious writings in Church history are the works of the reformers of the English Reformation. Many of these men gave their lives for their testimony. The Parker Society in the 1800’s published the main writings of the English reformers, which are all in the public domain...