church history

  1. Travis Fentiman

    Reformed Agreements & Disagreements with Aquinas? a Reference List

    Where did the Reformed in her classical era agree and disagree with Aquinas? In light of the surge of Protestant interest in Aquinas, this new webpage with an Intro is a large reference list, going through the whole gamut of theology, juxtaposing Aquinas with Reformed Orthodox theologians on...
  2. R

    Reformed View of the Supper in the Early Church?

    I love church history, and I also love seeing my beliefs being affirmed by the church fathers. I know the early church almost universally believed in the real presence of Christ, was this belief similar to the Reformed view of real presence? Are there any good quotes from the early centuries...
  3. S

    Did England have covenanters?

    What happened to the English Presbyterian non-conformists after 1662? Did the ejected ministers of such persuations survive, preservere and maintain some sort of presence? Or were they succesfully supressed and forced out of existance? If there was such a movement, did they have any ties with...
  4. S

    Covenanting prior to the National Covenant

    What is the history of doing these covenants between the ascension of Christ and the Scottish Covenants? Where can one find these covenants from Geneva, Hungary, Holland and France? In other words, what is the historical background of the idea of entire societies making a covenant with God?
  5. J.L. Allen

    The Church History Project

    Have any of you given The Church History Project a listen? I've suggested it to several people who are either unfamiliar with church history or only have a shallow grasp on it. Honestly, as a history buff, I've found the host's overviews refreshing. Jared Luttjeboer (the host) ends each episode...
  6. Travis Fentiman

    Early & Medieval Church Bible Commentaries Online

    We live in extraordinary times. In the benevolent provision of God I have been able to collect a collection of more than 575 bible commentaries from early and medieval Church figures in English, around 64% of which are fully available online for free: The Early & Medieval Church Fathers on...
  7. Santiago DO

    The sacrament of Baptism

    Hello everyone, God bless you. First of all, let's remember that Jesus Christ is what unites us, so my desire is to receive informative answers without create a divisive debate. I) Is this short video an appropriate representation of the basics differences between paedobaptism and credobaptism...
  8. F

    Presbyterian & Reformed Authors

    I have always been told to look at authors not just from my tradition (Presbyterian/Reformed), but also from other traditions within Christianity. As such, I have come to understand and appreciate much of John Piper, even though there are many things with which I would be in disagreement with...
  9. Nick Muyres

    Question about Exclusive Psalmody

    This is a question that I was asked by a friend who is not completely on board with EP, but I don't have an answer and am curious myself. So this may be more for those who have a conviction of the EP position, but wouldn't mind hearing from anyone who might have valid input. So my question is...
  10. SebastianClinciuJJ

    The Magisterial Reformers and 1 Clement

    Grace and peace! Did the Magisterial Reformers (Calvin, Luther, Bucer, ...) know of 1 Clement? Are there any quotiations or references of this Church Father in their writings? I suspect that they knew of Clement from Eusebius’ Historia Ecclesiastica or from Jerome’s De Viris Illustribus, but I...
  11. Regi Addictissimus

    First Council of Nicaea

    *Can a moderator fix the title. My phone was acting up while posting this. "First Council of Nicaea"* "Archaeologists exploring a lake in Turkey have discovered a 1,700-year-old Christian church that may have been the location of the landmark Council of Nicaea, which was held in 325 B.C. and...
  12. Travis Fentiman

    Bible Dictionaries & Church History Encyclopedias Online

    Friends, There is world of great resources on the net that is little taken advantage of. Reformed Books Online now has a page of Bible, theological and Church history dictionaries and encyclopedias that will go far in answering most questions about the Bible and Church history. They just...
  13. Travis Fentiman

    Scottish Church History: Resources Available

    Friends, For beginners and scholars alike, here is a massive collection of resources on Scottish Church history, organized by the time period. Apart from researching a dissertation, it will probably have everything you need to answer just about every question you may have about Scottish...
  14. TylerRay

    Textbooks at Union Seminary, 1865

    The following is a letter from R. L. Dabney to a seminary student. The context is that the War is over, the South is reduced to poverty, and Dabney is telling him what textbooks to try to borrow from pastors in his presbytery.
  15. Travis Fentiman

    Writings of the English Reformers

    Some of the most precious writings in Church history are the works of the reformers of the English Reformation. Many of these men gave their lives for their testimony. The Parker Society in the 1800’s published the main writings of the English reformers, which are all in the public domain...
  16. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Medieval Church History

    Here is a wealth of resources on Medieval Church history which will answer just about any question you have about it. We have harvested the public domain on the topic for you and have found many of the standard sources on the subject, in addition to contemporary scholarship as well. In...
  17. Travis Fentiman

    Resources Available: Church History, Early Church

    Friends, If it may be of use to you, I have collected the harvest from the public domain on Church histories and on the Early Church, with links at your finger-tips: Church History: ReformedBooksOnline Early Church History: ReformedBooksOnline There is a lot of amazing material here; I hope...
  18. Timmay

    Church History Irenaeus: A Pivotal Theologian In A Pivotal Era

    (Note: Article originally submitted for Christianity and Culture in 2nd and 3rd Centuries, a Master's level course at Regent University) Introduction American President Theodore Roosevelt once said that “it is not the critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man...
  19. John P

    What Happened to the Church the Moment the Apostles Died?

    So, I was reading Ignatius today so that I can say (over time, of course) that I have read the works of the Church Fathers (I know that Ignatius isn't the only Church Father, but I'm starting with the Apostolic Fathers and moving forward), and I was shocked at what Ignatius, who was supposedly...
  20. jamessh1990

    Special Sale

    We are having a special sale, with up to 75% discounts on Evangelical Press Study Commentaries, Biteseize Biographies, Welwyn Commentaries and much more, from authors such as John Currid, Michael Haykin, John MacKay etc. You can view the list here ;
  21. Pilgrim Standard

    Magdeburg Centuries - Ecclesiastica Historia - In English?

    I am looking for an English translation, in hard or soft copy, of the Magdeburg Centuries. The Full title of the work is: "Ecclesiastica Historia, integram Ecclesiae Christi ideam, quantum ad Locum, Propagationem, Persecutionem, Tranquillitatem, Doctrinam, Hæreses, Ceremonias...
  22. CuriousNdenver

    Has anyone read this book: "A History of American Christianity"?

    Just wondering if anyone is familiar with "A History of American Christianity" 1898. It was written by Leonard Woolsey Bacon, a Congregationalist. If so, any comments on the work? I am also interested in any other recommendations that will provide a broad overview of Christianity in...
  23. R

    James and Jude, Brothers of Jesus, Cousins of Jesus, or Neither?

    I have been working through this question in my mind and with the Scripture recently and have had several conversations with other Pastors and brothers in Christ on this matter. However, I have been receiving many different answers regarding the subject. I do have a tentative position presently...
  24. C

    Identifying Historical/Cultural Blind Spots

    How does one "get out" of their historical/cultural setting to discover theological blind spots? e.g., I presume everyone on PB would condemn the racial slavery existing in early America. When we look back on Christians who defended the practice, we are aghast. And what about beliefs that...
  25. dahlfred

    Any there any Reformed folks who've done a degree at Talbot?

    I am a PCA TE and a church planting missionary in Thailand, currently in the U.S. for a year for home assignment. I am looking around for a school to do a Th.M in Church History (or Historical Theology as 2nd choice) with hopes o teaching later. Because of family and time/location...
  26. ValiantforTruth

    English Reformation

    I am looking for a good single volume history of the English Reformation for an advanced reading group I am in. Hetherington was a good start, but he was more narrowly concerned with the Westminster Assembly. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!