carl trueman

  1. SRoper

    Carl Trueman--Cheyenne--September 16-17

    2016 Cheyenne Reformation Conference September 16-17, 2016 Northwoods Presbyterian Church, Cheyenne, Wyoming We are delighted to have Dr. Carl Trueman as our speaker for the 2016 Cheyenne Reformation Conference. The theme is Reformation Faith and the Modern Mind. Schedule and registration...
  2. Robbie Schmidtberger

    Carl Trueman on the Reformation Solas

    Jan. 9-10 Calvin PCA hosted their third Christianity and Culture Conference here in Pittsburgh. For the past three years they have brought terrific teachers here: Michael Horton, Peter Jones, and this year Carl Trueman. Trueman's topic was "Sola Power: Reformation Theology in a Pluralistic...