career change

  1. Jonathan95

    Separation between church and career.

    I work in one of the church's coffee shops and it's been cool. Helps pay the bills and allows me to get to know people and share the Gospel. I am currently seeking a way to raise more money and I have an opportunity to go for a job that is willing to pay a salary range of $45k-$50k a year. If I...
  2. Brett Barron

    Leaving Career for Seminary - Supporting a Family of 5

    I'm wondering if any of you have, or maybe know someone who has, left a full-time career to go to seminary? If so, how did you (or they) do it? I've been in sales for the past 12 years and the sole bread winner for our household of 5. We have 3 children, 10, 8, and 3. For the past year or...