
  1. D

    Blog Review

    I would be most grateful if brethren from the PB could visit my blog and send me your views and other feedback that you think would be helpful. I would also appreciate your views on how I can make the blog better. Thank You
  2. U

    A blog to inform and encourage the Reformed.

    I would like to introduce this blog that I have been running for some time. It is The Reformd Reader. I hope some of you can take time to visit and recommend to other people. It was created to spread reformed thought and literature to young and old alike. I am trying to update it in...
  3. sastark

    How to Retain Visitors

    (not sure where to post this, but thought visitors go well with "evangelism" so I put it here.) I posted a piece today at my blog about How to Retain Visitors. I'd be curious to hear if others on the board have things they would add to the list.
  4. Dewalt

    Blog addresses

    hey guys, i am new to this, but was wondering for those of you who blog, if you could list your blog below, with a link to it, or the address, etc. I enjoy looking and reading blogs in my spare time, and would enjoy to take a look at as many of them as I can. Here are mine; Gospel-Centered...
  5. Dewalt


    i would like to suggest the capability of linking peoples blogs directly to the puritan board so that when a person post on their personal blog, it goes directly into their Puritan Board blog. that would be sweet.