biblical studies

  1. Office Hours

    Office Hours with Dennis Johnson: Hebrews 1-2

    In this episode, Office Hours continues with the Season 4 series entitled "Jesus is Really Better" on the Epistle to the Hebrews. This episode features Dr. Dennis Johnson, Professor of Practical Theology, who begins where Dr. Baugh left off. Listen to this episode here: Hebrews 1-2: Dennis...
  2. Office Hours

    Office Hours with S.M. Baugh: Introduction to Hebrews

    Office Hours kicks off the new season with S.M. Baugh, Professor of New Testament at WSC, to begin our series of a faculty study through the Epistle to the Hebrews. Listen now to this episode to begin to understand why Jesus is really better than first century religion and the old religion...
  3. Julio Martinez Jr

    NT Studies in the Gospels and Jesus Studies've been doing some research in the gospels; Im trying to answer critics who hold to "Redaction criticism," whatever that is. I also came across some who hold to the Q Hypothesis. So here are my questions:What is Redaction...