O'Donnell's paper is a cogent examination of important questions raised by Crisp and others in the creationism versus traducianism intramural debate within the Reformed theological tradition.
I am at a loss to see how traducianism can provide a proper account, in Christian terms, for the origin...
In Reformed Dogmatics, Bavinck contends for the use of the word principium for Scripture rather than the use of fons, as the latter mistakenly pictures Scripture as a well from which to draw doctrine mechanically, which the editor claims to be Charles Hodge’s view (this is the abridged...
Seeing that Bavinck came from the Afscheiding tradition prior to the Doleantie, does Neo-Calvinistic thought play much of a role in his theology? Not having read him, I had always thought of him as a Neo-Calvinist, but, as I'm beginning to understand a little bit about Dutch church history, I am...
I am going to buy my first systematic theology; I'm considering three options:
1. Geerhardus Vos - Reformed Dogmatics, Five Volume Set (link)
2. Herman Bavinck - Reformed Dogmatics, 4 Volume Set (link)
3. Charles Hodge - Systematic Theology (3 volume set) (link)
- Which one do you...
As unabashedly wonderful, profitable and edifying as the English translation of Bavinck's Reformed Dogmatics has been, there has been one aspect of it that seems less than helpful to a person who (like myself) would like to frequently cite Bavinck in response to questions on religious discussion...