attributes of god

  1. S

    Recommended reading on Holiness (What is "Holy"?)

    Hello, brethren, Do you have any recommended reading (preferably not too long, more like a Puritan treatise or something similar) on holiness? As in, what it is, the holiness of God, the holiness of created things like the saints, sabbath, scriptures and temple, and related topics? In addition...
  2. Travis Fentiman

    Online Resources on the Beatific Vision

    What will it be like to see God? (Mt. 5:8) This is the end and fruit of the Christian life, forever. Taste heaven with these newly collected resources from the best of reformed literature (which are not otherwise easy to come by): On the Beatific Vision - ReformedBooksOnline “As for me, I...
  3. Travis Fentiman

    On the Affections of God, his Desire, Wrath, etc.

    Does God have emotions? People often respond to sincere inquirers with a blanket "No", and end up ignoring or denying as much truth as they affirm. The reformed orthodox terms were that God has affections and perfections. The affections that are attributed to God in Scripture, they held, were...
  4. C. Matthew McMahon

    Attributes of God Section at APM (New)

    The internet is woefully inadequate on a compilation of articles, books and such on God's attributes from a biblical / Reformed perspective. I'm working to build out a solid attributes of God section to the site by faithful Reformed preachers and writers. At this new section of A Puritan's Mind...
  5. Von

    Which attribute is the first of them all?

    I'm about to start teaching a small group through the attributes of God (not the book by AW Pink...). In your opinion, which attribute should be taught / looked at first and why? I've decided to start with His eternality.
  6. F

    Is wrath and attribute of God?

    I was listening to a lecture on the Revelation by D.A. Carson the other day and he says in there that wrath is not an attribute of God like love. Wrath, he says, is an outworking of God's holiness rather than an attribute of God like love (ref. 1 John 4:8). This wasn't shocking to me, but...