
  1. Christislordllwp

    Greatly seeking a multitude of counsel!

    Greetings family in Christ! I would like to confess that I have recently been struggling in my conscience with regards to a particular section of scripture and how it may pertain to my spiritual condition. Below I will paste a copy of my testimony, written in verity from the heart. No pastor...
  2. Alexander

    Stumbling Block to Becoming Reformed - Perseverance

    I've spent the last two months searching for all available books on the Perseverance of the Saints. I've found that every single historical work on the matter, that I could find, teaches that the regenerate can never lose faith. I will explain why this is a stumbling block for me if I wished to...
  3. A

    Professor Tom Schreiner on Covenant and Election

    During his recent visit to Oak Hill, Professor Tom Schreiner reflected on the way scripture warns us about disbelief, and the relationship between election and the new covenant. Oak Hill College: News and future events << Talks here He also spoke and answered questions on believer's baptism...