
  1. SkylerGerald

    Joy vs Happiness?

    I have often heard people put a distinction between joy and happiness. I myself have done that for the longest time merely in following the example. The distinction typically goes like a few of the following: “Happiness is based on circumstances but joy is not” “Happiness is fleeting but joy is...
  2. Haeralis

    How Aristotle's "Ethics" Helped to Cause the Reformation

    This helpful academic journal article from Dr. Ronald N. Frost delineates the role played by Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics in fostering the medieval scholasticism that the Protestant Reformers sought to replace with a purer Augustinian theology. Crucial topics explored within Aristotle’s...
  3. P

    Devotions and Affections Christ Centered?

    I struggle with my devotions or quiet times. I struggle with devotions being consistent and meaningful. To me the idea of having a loving relationship with Christ is difficult, although at times the meaning is there and powerful and I do recognize when God's Spirit bears witness to my...